
Cedmex Recipes

Throughout its 70 year existence the National Abalone Fishers Cooperative has achieved an important leadership in Mexico’s fishing activities and a strong consolidation thanks to its variety in products, quality and volume as well as technological, social and economical development.

With the intention of strengthening our position through sustainable processes balanced with the environment, capture, processing and commercializing of our products we wish to enhance our modern and forefront values, we present to you this recipe book with the purpose of sharing Baja California’s regional dishes.

This culinary compilation includes recipes for preparing abalone, lobster, sea snails, clams and fish.

We are certain that they will be delightful for anyone who enjoys fine cuisine. Your acceptance and sponsorship shall permit us to continue with a development that guarantees a responsible long term handling of marine resources and keep supporting the island in health care, sports, education and trainings in different areas.