

Haliotis fulgens y Haliotis corrugata

Cedmex is the best abalone in the world. Our cooperative has been harvesting blue and yellow abalone for more than 70 years. The abalone harvest is officially regulated according to geographical zones and follows the assignation of a global quota per season. The harvest period is from the first of December until the 30th of July. Besides following all official harvest norms, the Cooperative has established various internal measures to guarantee the sustainability of the resource. Among these are the rotation of the harvesting banks, maximum quotas per diver, a closed season period that is 30 day longer than the one established by law, and natural reserve zones to improve the reproduction of the organisms.

Certified divers take care of the harvest, measuring each abalone before carefully separating it from the rocks with a spatula. The harvested abalone is taken into the processing plant in isolated plastic boxes that protect the product. Once in the plant, the abalone is manually taken out of its shell. The callus, once without shell and entrails, is weighted in electronic scales. It is then washed and placed in a rotator stainless steel cylinder with vapor and water lines. After this it is manually cut and cleaned by detaching the abalone’s mouth, the outside skirt, and the possible entrails rests. The product is then processed according to its presentation. The unsurpassable freshness of our abalone, combined with its natural texture and supreme flavor, allows Cedmex to offer the highest quality product worldwide.

All our production carries the genuine abalone of the Mexican Association of Abalone seal. The Cooperative works with two registered trademarks for the commercialization of the abalone in brine: Cedmex and Rocamar, recognized and appreciated in international markets.

We have the following presentations of abalone at your disposition: